Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hats of the World

This is the reason I haven't done the Illu Friday of last week. This is a project for illustration. We were to pick 6 countries and use their national colors to make a image that represented them. We were not to use figures or people at all. They were all supposed to be related by content and medium. I chose HATS! This was alot of fun. Oh yeah, and the 2 extras were to be our own made-up countries so I did a kids country and a pirate country by the names of Cannoli and Decatur. :-P
I chose to complete them using a really fun, exciting, scary, time-consuming technique I learned in highschool. You paint your image using white permanent gaouche or expensive temperas and leave all the lines you've drawn unpainted so the bare paper is exposed. After you let it dry for at least a day's time, you then do the scary part.... you cover the whole drawing with India Ink. Then you let it dry for another day. After that you gently rub your fingers over the drawing while running the paper under water. The magic is the ink comes off where you painted and stays where you didn't! You are left with a really cool, rustic-looking painting that closely resembles some printmaking projects.
Anyway. I am happy with it.

1 comment:

Nicola said...

Wow! That sounded like a big project! Well done! I really like the look of that technique perhaps one day I'll be brave enough to try it myself.....I love the colours you have used!!